My love, my challenge. By Dimi Leivadas

Dimi Leivadas. Photo: Angelika Zaczeniuk

I love my job. What is my job though? It is my life really and I love living, loving and learning as Leo Buscaglia said and a very close person to me reminds me every day.

Sharing generously my love, excitement, knowledge and expertise in hospitality is my every day life, my breathing. I love being around people. They can be my team, the guests / clients and collaborators and the friends colleagues from the industry around the globe. This is a huge community by the way, and as we all know, this big world can be at same time so small when you play at the very top league.

The hospitality industry gives you the opportunity to experience unique moments of a lifetime. These are ‘full on’ moments as we say, you feel them on your skin, you see them in your eyes after a way too long shift. Though, there is always some space there for a great SMILE that will recharge your batteries for the next day. And again and again; you play hard and you live hard in hospitality. It is sweet and sour, the salt and pepper that no bland palates can really appreciate.

The challenge is to keep people around you constantly intrigued, motivated and inspired. It will not happen though, unless you lead by example and show empathy and humility.


Dimi Leivadas, Founder & CEO of Delta Lambda Hospitality (former restaurant manager of The Fat Duck)

Dimi Leivadas. Photo: Angelika Zaczeniuk

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